
2021-06-24 浏览507次



WEEK 1: May 14-18
                 Monday, May 14th —Orientation Meeting for new students (9:15 am, Media Room)                 NO Connections classes this week
WEEK 2: May 21-25
                Connections classes start this week
WEEK 3: May 28-June 1
WEEK 4: June 4-8
WEEK 5: June 11-15
WEEK 6: June(Friday, June 22 NO CLASSES for Dragon Boat Festival)
                June 21nd —Last day for new students to register
WEEK 7: June 25-29
WEEK 8: July 2-6 (Midterm Week)
                 Monday, July 2—Midterm Exam Review Day
                Tuesday, July 3—Midterm Exams
WEEK 9: July 9-13
WEEK 10: July 16-20
WEEK 11: July 23-27
WEEK 12: July 30-August 3
WEEK 13: August 6-10
WEEK 14: August 13-17
WEEK 15: August 20-24
                    Monday: Exam Review Day
                    Tuesday: Final Exams
                    Wednesday: Marking Day (Students do not need to come)
                    Thursday: Field Trip (1:00 pm)
                    Friday: Graduation (10:00 am)




        ESLI语言中心是针对那些准备从非英语国家的学生成功进入海外学习而设置。The ESLI language Centers are designed to prepare students from non-English speaking countries to successfully enter and study at overseas universities。
        Listening听力利用各种资源,帮助学生学习有效的听力技能,使他们能够在课堂内外交流自如。Using a variety of sources, students learn effective listening skills that they can implement both inside and outside the classroom。
        Speaking / Pronunciation口语/发音:学生通过在不同场合的对话练习,比如日常对话、正式交谈、课堂展示等提高了自信心。Students gain confidence speaking in a variety of situations: casual conversations, formal dialogue, class presentations, etc。
        Reading阅读:除课堂的阅读外,每个学生每学期都要求阅读一本英文小说,这也是期中和期末考核的一部分。通过在课堂上的阅读练习和个性化的阅读计划,培养学生阅读的兴趣;英思力有大量的国外原版小说,学生也可以根据自己的兴趣和喜好,选择自己喜欢的小说阅读。Through in class reading exercises and a personalized reading program, students learn to read for pleasure and for university studies. Exposure to a wide variety of texts provides students with opportunities to find and select their own materials as well as develop some personal preferences。
        Composition写作:通过引导练习,学生学会如何进行调查、研究、整理和起草文稿;自信心的建立、同学间的鼓励也是很重要的。学生将从初级的写句子,写段落,过渡到-的写论文。Through guided practice, students learn how to research, organize, and draft a research paper. Confidence in self and peer evaluation is encouraged, as it is equally important to a successful university experience。
        Vocabulary词汇:学生会建立基于日常对话和课堂场合的词库。另外,我们要求学生进行长期并反复式的词汇积累。高*的学生除课堂所需掌握的单词外,外教还要求学生每周记20个国外课堂常用单词。Students develop a vocabulary base appropriate for everyday conversations and classroom situations. In addition, they learn methods for long-term building and retaining functional vocabulary。
        Grammar语法:我们鼓励学生通过运用来学习语法。语法教学是提供在听说读写范围内进行的潜移默化的教育。Students are encouraged to learn grammar through use. Grammar instruction is provided within the context of listening, speaking, reading, and writing。






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